Korea 2012 4.33
We are Thrilled to Present Korea 2012 for 4.33, by Chuckles!: Korea 2012 2A, 13 Feb 2016
Read more about Korea 2012 at the forum thread .

Installation Instructions
Once you extract the file from the above download link, you will find and Add-On-Korea-2012 folder. Cut and paste this folder into your C:\Falcon BMS 4.33\Data folder. Now, I have given you two methods to perform the next step.
1) You can copy the following entries into you theater.lst note file located at the following folder: C:\Falcon BMS 4.33\Data\Terrdata\theaterdefinition
- Add-On-Korea-2012\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\Korea 2012.tdf
- Add-On-Korea-2012\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\EuroWar.tdf
- Add-On-Korea-2012\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\Carrier War.tdf
- Add-On-Korea-2012\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\Redux.tdf
- Add-On-Korea-2012\Terrdata\theaterdefinition\Maxx.tdf
2) If you do not wish to edit your theatre.lst file, I have provided one for you so that you can simply cut and paste the file I have provided and overwrite your original theater.lst file located at
C:\Falcon BMS 4.33\Data\Terrdata\theaterdefinition
For installtion of new Su-33 skins, copy all files in SU-33 Skin folder and place the in KoreaObj_HiRes folder loacted at:
C:\Falcon BMS 4.33\Data\Terrdata\objects
If you are using low resolution objects, paste into the KoreaOBJ folder located at the same location. Please remember to backup orginal skins in case you want to keep the orginal ground based aircraft skins.
Cheers, Chuckles!